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Two Frays Kolsch Night

Join us Saturdays: March 22nd, April 26th, and May 17th,

from 4pm to 9pm featuring Two Frays' Together Better Kölsch Style Ale.

What is Kölsch Service?

Kölsch Service is a Köln, Germany beer service tradition. Servers called Köbes deliver Kölsch in small glasses called Stangen, which are tall, thinner glassware and hold 0.2L of tasty Kölsch. The Köbes carry these glasses around the taproom on a round tray known as a Kranz.

What can you expect during Kölsch Service at Two Frays?

  • Two Frays Köbes will walk around the taproom with a Kranz full of Stangen.
  • If a customer's Stange is empty the Köbes will replace it and mark their coster with a "tick" to track the count.
  • This is repeated until a customer signals that they are finished / pausing drinking by placing their coaster on top of their Stange.
  • Note that lost coasters will cost Yinz $50!

And it's not a problem if you're not interested in Kölsch Service. All of our beers (including our Kölsch) will be available in Pints and Tasters.

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